First get your salad. Rocket, mizuna, baby chard, mustard leaves, baby spinach are all good.
Pod your broad beans and blanch in unsalted water until just tender and refresh in cold water. Drain.
Prepare artichoke (see pictures below) into pieces similar sizes to that of your broad beans and place in water with a little lemon juice to prevent discolouring. Blanch in salted water until just tender and refresh in cold water. Drain.
Slice some spring onions thinly. Chop a few cloves of garlic.
Heat some oil with the garlic and some fennel seeds until the garlic is beginning to colour and then add the spring onions, Cook slowly making sure the garlic does not burn, adding some liquid if it looks like it, dry sherry is good, but water or stock will do. After four or five minutes add the broad beans and artichokes and season. Add some chopped herbs: parsley, chives, chervil or mint are all agreeable.
Finally put the leaves in the pan and put a lid on and leave for a minute to wilt. Add a squeeze of lemon juice and finalise the seasoning and it is good to go.
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